on offshore Jack Up rig;
Crane Operator - Chief Mechanic - Deckforeman
Chief Electrician - Electronic Technician
Please send CV to jmcdonagh@maptalent.com
![Bu resim için alternatif metin açıklaması yok](https://media-exp1.licdn.com/dms/image/C4D22AQHACqDgZulPFw/feedshare-shrink_2048_1536-alternative/0?e=1602115200&v=beta&t=TveGfGp_E2sZ0JlUt04BvJ2_rLC0NIQtQ1LwaTQ-GlY)
Crane Operator - Chief Mechanic - Deckforeman
Chief Electrician - Electronic Technician
Please send CV to jmcdonagh@maptalent.com
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