VENTILATION INSTALLATION etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
VENTILATION INSTALLATION etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

15 Mart 2017 Çarşamba

International mechanical ventilation system

We have gathered our experiences which we have gained by working at leading international companies in domestic and abroad for many years under the roof of MAKANIK VENTILATION LTD.
  We have worked at major projects both at home and abroad. Our basic principle is to finish every work we do in the shortest time, best quality.
. Our company offers all kinds of heating, cooling, fresh air, exhaust air blowing ventilation service in the air conditioner
Domestic and foreign ventilation installation projects are undertaken with the best quality air ventilation quality.
  www.cakirlarhavalandirma.com   https://www.facebook.com/cakirlaravigation/photos

21 Eylül 2014 Pazar


Domestic and international (Distributed Soviet Union Countries and Arab Countries) mechanical ventilation installation projects are undertaken with the highest ECONOMIC price a CATERING VENTILATION (www.cakirlarhavalandirma.com) quality ...

Our company offers all kinds of heating, cooling, fresh air, exhaust air blowing ventilation service in the air conditioner of our company. "DOMESTIC AND OVERSEAS MECHANICAL VENTILATION INSTALLATION WORKS AS NEXT SUBSTANCE.

We have worked at major projects both at home and abroad. Our basic principle is to finish every work we do in the shortest time, best quality.

. https://www.facebook.com/cakirlarhavalandirma/photos

23 Mayıs 2014 Cuma


Domestic and international (Distributed Soviet Union Countries and Arab Countries) ventilation system projects are committed with the best quality fiat  www.cakirlarhavalandirma.com  ...

We have worked in big projects both at home and abroad. Our basic principle is to finish every work we do in the shortest time, best quality.

https://www.facebook.com/cakirlarhavalandirma/photos www.cakirlarhavalandirma.com

3 Temmuz 2013 Çarşamba

5 Mayıs 2013 Pazar

Mechanical ventilation system

We have gathered our experiences that we have gained by working at leading international companies in domestic and abroad for many years under the ÇEKIRLAR MECHANICAL VENTILATION LTD.

We have worked in big projects both at home and abroad. Our basic principle is to finish every work we do in the shortest time, best quality. Our company also offers all kinds of heating, cooling, fresh air supply, ventilation system for exhaust air blowing in the air conditioner.



27 Aralık 2012 Perşembe

We do what we know best in the most perfect way


We know the presentation, no matter how perfect the system design is, if the implementing company is not good, the desired efficiency can not be obtained from the established system. For this purpose, our company brings together all the factors needed to make a job on the right side whether it is a good project or not. The work we do is aesthetically, robust and we do not deliver the business to the customer until it is working.

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